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sobolev space造句

"sobolev space"是什么意思  
  • Degenerate elliptic ; weighted sobolev space
  • Radon - nikodym property and girth of orlicz - sobolev spaces
  • Boundary properties of functions in relative sobolev space
  • Boundedness of hardy - littelwood maximal functions in orlicz - sobolev spaces
  • Denseness of superposition of one function with itstranslation and dilation in sobolev space w2m
  • In this paper , we prove the existence of positive solutions and multiple solutions in sobolev space with variational methods
  • Furthermore , we establish some results on the mixed legendre - hermite interpolation in certain non - isotropic sobolev space . they are the theoretical foundation of the mixed legendre - hermite pseu - dospectral method
  • Existence and uniqueness are proved by lax - milgram theorem for a type of degenerate divergence elliptic equation in a type of sobolev spaces with weight , and also the regularity will be studied
    先用lax - milgram定理证明一类退化散度型椭圆型方程在带权sobolev空间中弱解的存在唯一性,然后证明解的正则性。
  • Firstly , a weak formulation of this problem is derived . the existence , uniqueness and regularity of its solution are discussed . next , the mixed legendre - hermite polynomial approximation in non - isotropic sobolev space is proposed
  • In this paper , we analyze difference solutions of the burgers - kdv type equations with the periodic boundary condition by use of functional analysis method . the existence of difference solutions is proved by fixed - point theorem and the priori estimates of the difference solution are obtained using interpolation formula of sobolev space . the convergence and stability are proved
    本文应用泛函分析方法对一系列burgers - kdv型方程周期边值问题的差分解进行了分析,运用各种不动点原理证明了差分解的存在性,应用sobolev空间的离散内插公式得到了差分解及其各阶差商的先验估计,利用得到的先验估计证明了差分解的收敛性和稳定性。
  • It's difficult to see sobolev space in a sentence. 用sobolev space造句挺难的
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